United Nation Monitoring, Verification and Inspecrtion Commision −

The United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) was created through the adoption of Security Council resolution 1284 of 17 December 1999. UNMOVIC replaced the former UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) and continues with the mandate to verify Iraq's compliance with its obligation to be rid of its weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological weapons and missiles with a range of more than 150 km), and to operate a system of ongoing monitoring and verification to ascertain that Iraq does not reacquire the same weapons prohibited to it by the Security Council.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations appointed Dr. Hans Blix of Sweden to be the Commission’s Executive Chairman. He served from 1 March 2000 to 30 June 2003. The Secretary-General has also appointed 16 individuals to serve on the College of Commissioners of UNMOVIC which provides advice and guidance to the Acting Executive Chairman in the execution of his duties. On 1 July 2003, the Secretary-General of the United Nations appointed Mr. Demetrius Perricos as Acting Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC.
In conformity with the Charter of the United Nations, the Commission’s staff are selected on the basis of securing the highest standard of efficiency, competence and integrity, taking into consideration the importance of recruiting staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible. The Commission’s staff include weapons specialists, analysts, scientists, engineers and operational planners.
Unlike its predecessor, UNSCOM, the staff of UNMOVIC are employees of the United Nations. In addition to the Office of the Chairman with executive, legal and liaison functions, UNMOVIC comprises four divisions (Planning and Operations, Analysis and Assessment, Information, Technical Support and Training) as well as an administrative service. The Commission maintains its headquarters at the United Nations in New York. The Organisational Plan and structure chart of the Commission are available in document S/2000/292.
The Executive Chairman is required to report to the Security Council on the activities of UNMOVIC every three months. In accordance with the resolution establishing UNMOVIC, he must consult the College of Commissioners on written reports to the Council. Thus, the College of Commissioners of UNMOVIC meets at least four times a year in closed session to discuss the report and other organizational and operational activities.
Although its inspectors were withdrawn from Iraq in March 2003, UNMOVIC continues to operate with respect to those parts of its mandate it can implement outside of Iraq and has maintained a degree of preparedness to resume work in Iraq. It maintains a roster of more than 300 experts ready to serve and continues to conduct training. Details of its main ongoing activities are set out in reports to the Security Council. Please, click HERE to view the latest report.
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